Georges Daire has posted this piece about a new ebook that could change the dynamic of the youth vote in the run-up to the election. If you worry that young people may sit this one out, you really should check out Daire's piece the book it reviews, P. J. Cultor's Get Your Future Back! How America's Young People Can Reclaim Their Destiny, Heal the Nation, and Probably Save the World.
I have been trying to spread the word about this book since I found it almost two weeks ago. See my own review here. But Daire describes it better than I ever could. Here's a snip from the beginning of his piece:
The Don Quijote-like character of this book is the same aspect that makes it extremely time-sensitive: a simple, step-by-step, three-day strategy for destroying the gridlock in Washington and turning the country toward creating a dynamic future for the next generation.Let's do everything we can to encourage young people to come out in larger numbers than every before. Spread the word about the ebook. Give it to all the young people you know. (It's a 99¢ download.) Help young people throw Election Day parties, coffee-shop meetups, and any other sort of social event that will help them turn out.In releasing the ebook just two months before the next election without any sort of advance publicity, the author is running the risk that the book won't be noticed at all. He's staking everything on the demonstrated power of young people, with their effortless mastery of electronic communications, to crank up massive interest almost instantly in any project that they deem worthy.
Cultor believes that if just one young reader will commit to his strategy and get ten friends to commit, who will get ten more friends, and so on, there will be millions more young people voting in 2012 then ever before. And they will swamp the one to three million voters who have decided the vote in previous presidential elections.
We owe it to them to help them steer the country in the only direction that will benefit them and THEIR children: away from Conservatism!