It’s time to have a roll call. I don’t have access, but I’m gonna bet, based on comments and articles written, that the average Daily Kos commenter is well over 40. Maybe even older. Over the past week or so there have been numerous discussions about the youth vote, why they aren’t engaged, how wrong-headed they are, how the Democrats need to connect with them, how the Democrats need to compromise with them, how they need to get on board because they lost (really?) and on and on.
They aren’t here folks. We’re like a bunch of old people sitting on the porch saying, “Youth is wasted on the young.” The young aren't here to hear what we are saying. They don’t engage in this way, and they don’t learn in this way. Oh, I’m not saying it’s zero, I’m saying you aren’t making a dent.
It just goes downhill from there. If they were here they’d be laughing their backsides off. A bunch of old folks telling them they aren’t responsible. The first reply would be, “Who are you to tell us we aren’t responsible? Did we cook the books to make a handful of rich folks? Did we vote Trump into office? Did we kill off a big swath of the planet for money? Is it us who doesn’t understand that a big chunk of what you have, came through government investment in infrastructure, education, and research? that would be socialism. Bah, you guys haven’t a clue.” Sounds a lot like what we old folks here are saying about them.
Are we expecting that the youth will act more maturely than we seem to be capable of? For sure, calling them names isn’t going to engage them, does it engage us?
BTW — the young get their information from videos and memes. And some of them are damned good. Their understanding of history, not the whitewashed garbage I got in high school, but real history, is better than ours is. You may not believe that as is your right, but I regularly look at what they discuss. It is very different than what goes on here and is based on a wider knowledge base than we had access to when we were in school. And yes, there is garbage on the internet, but I’m not talking about the internet. Quality books that discuss the real history of the world, and aren’t state generated textbooks, are everywhere. And teachers are using them.
Folks here should go look at the political memes they generate, they are far more succinct and accurate than what happens here. And yes, like us, they make mistakes, but they aren’t on this site constantly harping about how irresponsible we have been. Most of all, folks should not think that calling anyone names will result in a good outcome. It doesn’t.